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    Are Houses Selling Themselves? 🤔

    🤔I don’t see a lot of houses randomly uploading themselves into the MLS.
    🤔 I have never seen a house comb through a dozen multiple offers until midnight.
    🤔 I don’t see a lot of houses...

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    Don’t buy a home in 2023…

    Until you do these eight things.
    1. Okay. Number one, please get pre approved for a loan! The market's really hot. If you are not pre approved for a loan, you're not going to get the house.
    2. You also want to ask them what your PITI is...

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    Zillow says…

    Hey everybody, Jason and Missy Improta with The Improta Team at eXp here. So we've been saying, don't sit the fences anymore because prices are going up, not down.
    Well, it looks like Zillow agrees. So sometimes we bash Zillow for not being ...

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    Hey everyone, Missy and Jason here with the Improta Team at eXp.
    So what is happening in the marketplace that's fueling all of this buyer activity?

    We think that we're all a little bit surprised at how strong the market is right now.

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    Are Rates Going Up Again?!

    Everybody's talking about interest rates. Obviously, they've gone up a lot in the last year. And we think last year there was a concern that once they started to rise it was going to dramatically affect property values, etc. And turns out it'...

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    Is Low Credit Better?

    If you've read articles or social posts saying that if buyers lower their credit score, they can get a better deal on a mortgage, please read on!
    It's just not true!
    There have been changes to something called Loan Level Price Adjustments, ...

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    Signs that Now is the Time to Sell Your Home

    There are many reasons why it may be time to sell your home. You may need more space to make room for a growing family or you need to downsize after your kids leave the nest. Whatever your motivations, you want to make sure that you’re timing...

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    Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

    Most homebuyers start the process anxious, excited, nervous, and some are downright terrified. It’s natural. A home is the largest and most expensive purchase that most people will make in a lifetime. It can either turn out to be a complete f...

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