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    Don’t buy a home in 2023…

    Until you do these eight things.

    1. Okay. Number one, please get pre approved for a loan! The market’s really hot. If you are not pre approved for a loan, you’re not going to get the house.

    2. You also want to ask them what your PITI is. Which is your principal, interest, taxes and insurance. Get the whole nut! Essentially that’s your monthly payment.

    3. Okay. Number three is make sure that you understand if the home is in a high fire severity zone. If you back up to open space, it’s going to be more. If you live in certain communities, it’s going to be more.

    4. Another thing, look at your schools. Are you in a good school district? That has a huge impact on buyer demand. It has a huge impact on resale, all that stuff. So take a look at that.

    5. You should also probably look at your commute to work. I’m a huge fan of stretching that commute so that you can get more for your money. But make sure it’s something that’s actually reasonable so that you don’t in twelve months, have to turn around and sell your home.

    6. Another one is don’t work directly with the listing agent. It can be enticing. You can feel like maybe you’re going to save a couple of dollars, but you need to work with somebody that basically has your back. Because the listing agent’s fiduciary responsibility is to the seller first and it’s that simple. So find somebody who can represent you well.

    7. Don’t hold out for perfect, because we’ve found that perfect doesn’t actually exist. And in a low inventory environment, if you need to get into a home, look for the right home. But find the best combination of things. That’s seven out of ten guys. If you can get seven out of ten, buy that house. So for the price point that most people are looking at, perfect doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist.

    8. Happy hunting! CALL US if you need help finding your home and getting your offer accepted.