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    More Important Than Mortgage Rates!

    If you’re thinking about selling your house, it’s probably because something in your life has changed. Mortgage rates might affect what you can afford, but it’s important to remember why you want to move.
    Mortgage rates have gone up, so some people are waiting to sell because they don’t want a higher rate on their next home.

    Here are common reasons why people sell their homes:

    Moving to a new place: You might have a new job, want to be closer to friends or family, live in a dream location, or just want a change.

    Getting a bigger home: Sometimes people need more space for parties, work, or if their family is growing.

    Downsizing: When everyday costs go up, some people sell their home to save money. It could be because someone moved out, they retired, or they want a change.

    Relationship changes: People sell their homes when they get divorced, separated, or married.

    Health concerns: If someone has trouble moving or needs a special home, they might sell their current one.

    Even though mortgage rates are higher, your needs and lifestyle is what really matters. It is important to consider your future plans and goals.
    If you’re ready to sell, give us a call. We can help you find a new home that fits your needs, while selling your current home for top dollar.