Calabasas Real Estate

Are Houses Selling Themselves? 🤔

🤔I don’t see a lot of houses randomly uploading themselves into the MLS.

🤔 I have never seen a house comb through a dozen multiple offers until midnight.

🤔 I don’t see a lot of houses providing a comprehensive value matrix of those dozen offers considering price, timeline, terms and risk to their owners.

🤔 Nor do I see those houses cross referencing a dozen offers’ proof of funds, strength of financing and lender reputation.

🤔 That house also doesn’t know which buyers’ agent is notorious for coming in high and then holding sellers hostage mid contract to leverage the purchase price down.

We get it. Houses are selling quickly right now, but BY NO MEANS are they selling themselves. In this market more than ever it’s important to have a skilled and experienced negotiator coordinating the sale of your home.

Because while some sellers are getting 10 or 20k over asking at a discounted listing rate because they have been sold the idea that “houses are selling themselves these days.”

Their neighbor is getting $100,000-200,000 over asking by enlisting the services of a true professional who will leverage probably the greatest sellers market and wealth building opportunity that we may ever see in our lifetime.

Is it going to cost you a full fee? Of course it will. As it should.

#MathMatters. Great REALTORS pay for themselves. Period.

If you have more questions about how this affects you, or what your situation is, give us a call.